Male to Female (MTF) & Male to Non-Binary (MTN) Reconstruction Chest Surgery

MTF/N breast augmentation is a solution for transwomen or non-binary transgender people who wish to achieve a more feminine looking appearance through a surgical procedure that uses saline or silicone implants to enhance the size and shape of the chest.

MTF Top Surgery Post-Surgery Care

  • For most patients, top surgery is same day surgery, so you go home the same day.
  • The surgery takes about 2 hour.
  • Have someone around to help you at home for 1-2 days.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Follow a balanced diet and be sure to stay hydrated with lots of fluid. The more hydrated you are the more blood flow goes to the areas that are healing.
  • You will be given prescriptions for a1 week course of an antibiotic. It is very important to take your antibiotic as instructed. You should take one dose of antibiotic on the night of your surgery, and then after surgery you should take it twice daily.
  • You will also be given a prescription for a narcotic pain medication. Decreased activity and pain medication can cause constipation, so you may want to add more raw fruit to your diet, and be sure to increase fluid intake. Take over-the-counter Colace and Senna to improve bowel function as needed.
  • Take pain medication and antibiotic WITH food.
  • Take the narcotic pain medication as needed. If one tablet is too strong, you can break it in half, or you can take two tablets if one is not strong enough. It is ok to take Tylenol for pain WITH the narcotic OR instead of the narcotic. Narcotics can make you constipated and can lead to addiction so do not take them unless you need them. The maximum dose of Tylenol is 3 grams per day, so you can take two of the 500 mg pills up to three times a day. Taking Tylenol with the narcotic has a synergistic effect.
  • Do not drink alcohol or drive until you are no longer taking narcotic pain medication.
  • Do NOT smoke and stay away from all nicotine products in any form, including second-hand smoke, as nicotine delays healing and increases the risk of healing complications. This is most critical 4 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Take over-the-counter probiotics (Lactobacillus) and eat probiotic-active yogurt while you are on antibiotics.


  • Start walking around your house as soon as possible (at least ONCE the same night that you had surgery and a few times a day thereafter), as this helps to reduce the risk of blood clots, pneumonia and constipation. When you find yourself lying in bed, squeeze your leg muscles and bend your ankles and knees frequently to improve blood flow in your legs–this will also help reduce risk of blood clots.
  • However, there is a fine balance between leisurely walking (which is very important) and too much activity (which can cause problems like fluid collections).NO power walking or walking long distances, NO lifting anything over 5 lbs, NO walking up big hills or long flights of stairs, NO house cleaning, and NO strenuous activity of any kind. Avoid anything that would cause you to feel out of breath or come close to breaking a sweat for 3-4 weeks after surgery. The more you do, the more your blood pressure goes up and the more your body produces fluid and causes you to swell! Swelling increases risk for fluid collections and can keep the drains in longer. It is MOST critical to limit your activity level at weeks1-2after the drains come out. After 4weeksyou may start light exercise (stationary bike) and gradually work up from there.
  • Avoid raising your elbow above the level of your shoulder for about 10 days after surgery. This is to prevent the inferior scars from stretching.
  • Do not drive if you are still taking pain medication, and do not drive until you have regained full range of motion in your arms and feel confident that you could respond quickly in the case of an emergency.
  • Return to work depends on the activity level involved in your job. Stay away from any job or sport that risks a blow to your chest for at least 4 weeks.

Dressings and Incision Care

  • You will have steri strips (tapes that are tan or white colored) over your incisions that will stay on for 1 week.
  • Keep your breast dressings clean and dry until your first postoperative visit, and shower ONLY below the waist, with a sponge bath elsewhere. You will be able to shower normally after your one week postop visit.
  • When you start showering for the first time, put your back to the water and let the soap and water rinse over your incisions. Do not turn your breasts directly into the stream of water and do not scrub the incisions.
  • Apply bacitracin ointment (over-the-counter) to the breast incisions starting at one week after surgery (after your first postop visit).
  • Long-term scar care (considerations at 3-4 weeks after surgery):
  • After 3-4 weeks you can start silicone therapy to prevent your scars from getting thicker.
  • Silicone gel sheets/tapes(over the counter) can help minimize scarring–apply them in the morning or at night starting at 3-4 weeks after surgery. Usually these should be worn 12 hours per day. You can start wearing them as soon as the incisions are healed completely with no open wounds, and tapes have been removed (3-4 weeks after surgery).
  • Avoid exposing scars to sun for at least 12 months.
  • After you have healed, always use a strong sunblock, if sun exposure is unavoidable (SPF30 or greater). Do NOT use sunblock if you still have scabs or small open wounds.
  • Scar massage can help keep scars flat and soft. Perform massage with ointment or cream on your finger twice daily.
  • You can massage the breast implants gently starting at 3 weeks after surgery. This may help prevent capsular contracture.

What to Expect

  • Minimal to moderate postoperative pain and soreness in the chest and arms is normal.
  • Temporary bruising, swelling, soreness, or burning sensation is normal.
  • Temporary or permanent loss of nipple sensation.
  • In 4-6 weeks you will be back to all your normal activities.


  • Discoloration will resolve in 2 weeks
  • Most swelling will resolve over 6 weeks. However, swelling continues to go down gradually after that, even up to a year later.
  • Scars may be red initially, and they will soften and fade with time.

When To Call

  • If you have increased swelling or bruising.
  • If swelling and redness persist after a few days.
  • If you have increased redness along the incision.
  • If you have severe or increased pain not relieved by medication.
  • If you have any side effects to medications; such as, rash, nausea, headache, vomiting.
  • If you have an oral temperature over 100.4 degrees.
  • If you have any yellowish or greenish drainage from the incisions or notice a foul odor.
  • If you have bleeding from the incisions that is difficult to control with light pressure.
  • If you have loss of feeling or motion.



For Medical Questions, Please CALL OR TEXT:

(203) 423-3132, 24 hours a day

FTM/N Top Surgery

FTM/N Top Surgery involves removal or reduction of breast tissue from the chest wall for transmasculine or non - binary individuals who were assigned female at birth (AFAB) who experience discomfort or dysphoria associated with the physical characteristics of their chest. These individuals generally wish to achieve a more masculine or gender - neutral appearance

to their chest wall. The goal of surgery is to align outer physical characteristics with the internal sense of self.

To learn more about FTM/N top surgery, you may visit our FAQ page, read about how to choose a surgical incision, or view our timeline that walks you through the timeline outlining the general steps involved in getting top surgery.


Why Choose Us?

All Styles & Techniques

Double Incision, Keyhole, Peri, Buttonhole, Body Masculinization, Feminization and More

All Indentities

Patients of all gender identities are welcome under the informed consent model

Concierge Service

Virtual or in-office consultations and support for out-of-state patients.

Nothing but amazing things to say about my experience getting ftm top surgery with Dr. Chandler! I recommend to any trans folks like myself looking for gender affirming top surgery. So friendly, amazing care and wonderful results


Dr. Chandler is amazing my results for my double incision top surgery are better than I could have pictured and she made the whole process leading up to it so easy she was very friendly and answered any questions I had and listened to everything I was saying I’ve never had surgery before this and Dr. Chandler made the surgery so much less scary and gave me peace of mind


Results were so much better than I could ever imagine. Everyone on her team was so nice and supportive. Dr. Chandler legit change my life. Getting top surgery with here is definitely the best decision I've made on my life



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